The lack of basic human rights in Iran

The human rights situation in Iran continues to concern international human rights organizations. During the month of August, there has been additional pressure put on political prisoners. Many have been given extremely harsh sentences, and many have been flogged.

The Iranian regime has been under increasing domestic and international pressure in the past few years and it is trying to regain some of the control that it has lost by trying to silence the people who are speaking out more and more about the regime.There are at least 20 political prisoners that have been sentenced to death, with half of them being protesters during the past three major uprisings.

Furthermore, the conditions in prisons remain very worrying, especially because of the Coronavirus health crisis. With every day that passes, more and more prisoners are contracting the virus. And worse, they are not being given the medical treatment that they need. The prisoners are extremely vulnerable because they are not provided with hygiene products and social distancing is impossible in such overcrowded places.

Executions are still being carried out with great frequency and it is thought that at least 28 prisoners were executed during the month of August. Four of them were on drug-related charges, two were female and one was a prisoner that was a minor at the time of the alleged crime. Political prisoner Mostafa Salehi was executed at the beginning of the month. His crime was to participate in a major protest.

Approximately 140 female prisoners in the Central Prison of Urmia initiated a hunger strike because of the prison’s failure to appropriately respond to cases of COVID-19. Several contagious prisoners were not isolated, leaving the other prisoners at risk. Their concerns have been ignored.

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