Turkey spies on Jordan through diplomats.

 Turkey does not let the country live in peace, always trying to plant spies in order to bring it news.

The Turkish government used its diplomats in Jordan to profile opponents of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and gather intelligence about them to help forge a criminal case against critics.

Judicial documents have confirmed that three Turkish nationals had been profiled by Turkish diplomats and reported to the Foreign Ministry in Ankara. Then information was later used in a criminal indictment for a charge of terrorism by a Turkish prosecutor.

According to a December 13, 2018 decision by prosecutor Birol Tufan, the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched a separate investigation (file no. 2018/27559) into Turkish citizens nationals who were listed in espionage files dispatched by Turkish diplomats without any concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

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