Muslim Brotherhood interference in matters makes it complicated.

 The school apologized for providing inappropriate content, but the Brotherhood's interference in an exaggerated manner made things much more difficult.Pandor has been central to the protest at the grammar school. He entered the school freely (despite the country's lockdown restrictions), meeting with teachers, and delivered his analysis from the school gates to other protesters and the media. At one point he claimed to have been involved in drafting the statement issued by Batley Grammar that ensured changes.

 This was followed by the school's statement that it "unequivocally apologises for using a totally inappropriate resource" and had suspended the teacher who showed the image.

At the school gates, Pandor commented, "Look at what we do as a community, and you'll understand our stance." This was almost certainly a reference to the burgeoning Islamic charity sector, in the Batley area, Yorkshire, and farther afield.

 The charity sector is a prominent source of employment for Islamists in the UK, and charities can achieve a sense of recognition and engagement from the authorities that would not be given to secular associations or campaign groups. We now see, however, some of the downsides of this work.

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