Iran is denying workers the right to live in bliss.


Since International Labor Day, workers have held many protests in order to restore their rights that were taken away by the government and reject the new elections because they will be the same unjust government that made them under the poverty line 10 years ago until now.

It’s no wonder that Iranian workers feel this way. After all,  the authorities’ corrupt policies have plundered the Iranian people repeatedly over the past 40 years, which is why the people rose up in nationwide protests in 2017 and 2019.

The government is eager to keep the populace calm ahead of the elections, to get as many of them to vote as possible, because even if it won’t make a difference to the lives of Iranians, it will legitimise the ruling theocracy on the world stage. These protests threaten the authorities’ hope for a high voter turnout, especially when the same slogans are being chanted by other groups as well, including retirees and defrauded investors.

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