The Muslim Brotherhood is in a critical situation, but this is what they deserve.

Terrorism, murder, and the innocents who were killed because of the Muslim Brotherhood, all of this is paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood, and Turkey forgets the Muslim Brotherhood because it found its interest with Egypt more. Ankara announced its desire to resume diplomatic relations with Cairo. Following that announcement, the Muslim Brotherhood’s political and PR arm, which operated out of Turkey, found itself forced to shut down. It became difficult, if not impossible, to maintain its everyday activities from the country. Shortly thereafter, the Brotherhood’s leadership made a decision to stop and search for an alternative home base from which to operate.

 The group’s former secretary general, Mahmoud Hussein, spearheaded the effort and proposed the United Kingdom, where he resides. Other countries that came up were Canada, the Netherlands and Malaysia. But then, a new and surprising candidate came up: Afghanistan! The group of individuals within the Brotherhood who proposed this idea are those who were involved with humanitarian relief efforts in Afghanistan during the Soviet–Afghan War.

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