The collapse of the economy and the difficulty of living in Iran led to an increase in demonstrations.

 Iran causes the people to suffer greatly due to the permanent neglect of the economy and the future, but only greed to spread control and panic among the people.

And all this led to people taking to the streets demanding their right that was stolen from the government.

Iran is currently experiencing one of its worst economic situations of the past 50 years. As for who is to blame, the regime’s spokespeople are pointing towards international sanctions. On the other hand, it seems that the state-run media are laying the blame on the regime for the economic crisis.

The state-run daily, Aftab-e Yazd wrote on August 14 that along with the dollar exchange rate rising, the inflation of the prices of goods and services have continued to worryingly skyrocket. Ordinary Iranian citizens are struggling to afford to pay for food and other necessities.

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