Why the UN insists on using Hodeidah’s port which is under the control of the Houthis?

Why the UN insists on using Hodeidah’s port which is under the control of the Houthis?

The Houthi militia, that supported by  by Iran, since its control over Yemen, has been violating the rights of all citizens, including children and women, and all this is to implement Iran’s terrorist agenda full of terrorism, which always seeks to seize Yemen and other Arab countries.

From this moment on, Iran decided to make the terrorist Houthi militia take control of the port of Hodeidah, which is the main source of international navigation, which will affect the whole world, not just Yemen.

But despite all this, the United Nations uses this port to transport aid and other ships, and this raised a large wave of different questions from a large number of citizens in Yemen and the Arab world, so why does the United Nations use the port of Hodeidah, which is under the control of the Houthis And do not use any of the other liberated ports, such as (Mocha Port - Aden Port - Mukalla Port)

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