Iran is using Starving Citizens

starving  people in iran

Over the past four decades, the Iranian regime has been infamous for making false statements. As a result, citizens today no longer even believe the date of state-run papers. Iranian officials continue to spread incorrect data and have launched a misinformation campaign against protests, leaving thousands of citizens in an uproar.

The people of Iran are forced to contend with not only dealing with the regime’s financial mismanagement and failures but also their state-backed propaganda and misguiding statements. However, their perseverance in continuing and extending their protests across the country proves that the mullahs have failed to deceive society. With no other way to quell the unrest, the regime’s officials have resorted to increasing security measures and launching bloody crackdowns on defenseless protesters.

Since its inception, the regime has exploited international, regional, and domestic crises to refuse people’s rightful demands. As authorities and commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have lined their pockets with national resources, more and more Iranian families have fallen below the poverty line

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