Protests in iran after Metropol Collapse

Metropol Collapse

 Protests and mourning in various cities across Iran occurred after the Metropol twin towers collapse in Abadan that happened on May 23, footage has been broadcast, showing citizens chanting various slogans aimed at the Iranian regime.Among the chants were: “Death to [Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei”; “Khamenei is a murderer; his rule is invalid”; “Death to the dictator”; “Our enemy is right here, [the mullahs] lie when they say it is in America”; and “The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Basij must get lost.”

The regime’s inadequate response to the catastrophe, which has claimed the lives of at least 37 victims—as of this report—has outraged the public. At the same time, Iranian authorities have been stunned by the ongoing protests in Abadan, which have also spread across the country.

The mullahs expected that there would be mourning ceremonies for the victims; however, the regime’s 43-year resume of corruption, deception, and failure has led the grieving families to vent their anger against the entire regime with slogans such as “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to [regime President Ebrahim] Raisi.”

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