The opening of a photo exhibition to remind the world of the terrorist Houthi militia's crimes against the people of Taiz

Photo Gallery

 The opening of the photo exhibition took place in the Al-Jahmailah neighborhood, one of the largest neighborhoods that witnessed widespread destruction due to the Houthi war. This exhibition serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed by the Houthi militia against the innocent people of the province. It is crucial to continue shedding light on these crimes in order to raise awareness and seek justice for the victims.

The exhibition showcases a collection of photographs that vividly depict the horrors inflicted upon the people of Taiz. These images capture the destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, and other vital infrastructure. They also reveal the suffering and anguish of the residents who have endured years of violence and displacement. By displaying these photographs, the exhibition aims to expose the true face of the Houthi militia and their disregard for human life.

The crimes committed by the Houthi militia in Taiz are numerous and heinous. They have targeted civilians indiscriminately, using tactics such as shelling residential areas and blocking access to humanitarian aid. The exhibition highlights these crimes and serves as a testament to the resilience and strength of the people of Taiz, who have endured unimaginable hardships.

In addition to raising awareness, the photo exhibition also seeks to mobilize international support for the people of Taiz. It is crucial for the international community to stand in solidarity with the victims and hold the Houthi militia accountable for their actions. By documenting and publicizing these crimes, the exhibition aims to garner support and pressure for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Yemen.

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