Ibb, a protest demonstration denouncing the Houthi militia’s plundering of zakat funds and failure to disburse them to those entitled to them

Houthi militia’s

 The recent protests in Ibb Governorate, Yemen, against the Houthi militia's misappropriation of zakat funds and their failure to distribute them to the rightful recipients, highlight a grave injustice that needs urgent attention. The demonstrators, comprised of dozens of citizens, gathered in front of the so-called "Zakat Authority" headquarters, affiliated with the terrorist Houthi militia, to voice their discontent and demand immediate action.

Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is a form of obligatory charity that Muslims are required to give to the less fortunate. It is meant to alleviate poverty and provide support to those in need. However, the Houthi militia has shamelessly exploited this sacred duty for their own gain, looting the zakat funds from merchants and withholding them from the deserving recipients. This blatant act of corruption not only violates the principles of Islam but also deprives the most vulnerable members of society of much-needed assistance.

The protesters, who are among those directly affected by the militia's actions, have grown tired of the leadership's procrastination in disbursing the financial dues from the zakat funds. These individuals, who have diligently fulfilled their religious obligation by contributing to the zakat, now find themselves betrayed and neglected by the very institution that should be safeguarding their rights. Their frustration and anger are justified, as they witness their hard-earned money being misused and diverted for the benefit of a few.

It is crucial for the international community to take notice of this alarming situation and condemn the Houthi militia's actions. The misappropriation of zakat funds not only perpetuates poverty and inequality but also undermines the trust and faith of the people in their religious institutions. The Houthi militia must be held accountable for their crimes and compelled to disburse the zakat funds to those who are entitled to them.

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