Workers in Qatar still facing abuses despite promises

Qatar's massive migrant workforce is still being exploited by employers who withhold wages, threaten expulsion, and deduct pay, leaving some staff unable to eat. 

Widespread abuses persist even after Qatar where more than 90 per cent of the 2.75 million are migrant workers -- pledged to clean up its act following a torrent of criticism of its labour laws when it won the contest to host the 2022 World Cup a decade ago. "Independent employers, as well a... as well as those operating labour supply companies, frequently delay, withhold, or arbitrarily deduct workers' wages

HRW said it interviewed more than 93 migrant workers working for more than 60 companies or employers and reviewed legal documents as part of its investigation. 

Employers often withhold contractually guaranteed overtime payments and end-of service benefits, and they regularly violate their contracts with migrant workers with impunity," it said. 

Qatari authorities have taken numerous steps to protect workers -- including the creation of an electronic Wage Protection System meant to detect unpaid salaries. However, the effectiveness of the WPS has been mixed with numerous high profile cases of major contractors failing to pay.

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