The Saudi Council of Senior Scholars clarifies its position on the "Muslim Brotherhood"

 The Saudi Council of Senior Scholars clarified, in a tweet on its official account on the social networking site, "Twitter", its position on the Muslim Brotherhood.

The commission said, "Some believe that our disagreement with the Brotherhood is on specific and numbered issues, and this is not correct. The disagreement with them is in the curriculum before it is in the issues.

In another tweet, Al-Hayyah indicated that "ISIS", "Al Qaeda" and "the Brotherhood" stretched Islam to their opinions and passions and deceive people, and whoever calls our youth to join with them has erred and lost the right path.

The International Organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood has clashed with the Saudi Council of Senior Scholars, describing it as a sycophant body, after the Council declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation that does not represent the way of Islam and warned against its agenda.

Leading Brotherhood activists heaped insults and sarcasm on the Council. Tawakkol Karman described its scholars as sycophants and boot-lickers, while Mohamed al-Mukhtar al-Shanqeeti–a pro-Brotherhood researcher at Qatar Foundation in Doha – called the Council’s statement about the Brotherhood “just a media firecracker.”

The Council of Senior Scholars issued a strongly-worded statement against the Muslim Brotherhood, considering it a “deviant group” which gave birth “to extremist terrorist groups that wreaked havoc on the country and the people.

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