Sawiris: Qatar is seeking to build an "army of terror" and Erdogan will not last for long

 The businessman, engineer, Naguib Sawiris, attacked the State of Qatar's policies in support of terrorism around the world, stressing that it supported extremism and terrorist organizations such as ISIS, and took into account the individual attacks that are taking place in all of Europe today.

Sawiris said, in a Skype interview with the Charbel program received on CNN Arabia, that "US President Donald Trump knows very well that Qatar and Turkey are major centers of terrorism in the Arab world," adding that "Qatar and Turkey support the terrorist organization ISIS," They also support the militias in Tripoli and reinforce the conflict in Libya, "noting that" Europe does not want to focus on this point despite its knowledge of the matter. "

Sawiris explained that Qatar wants to expand, to have the most powerful army in the world, which is the "army of terror," and to continue to directly promote extremism, support terrorist operations in Europe, and kill people in the streets.

He said, "As a Christian, when I watch the film offensive to Christ that caused a stir recently, my reaction is condemnation, but I do not kill whoever did that."

Sawiris, in his interview with CNN, touched on the recent controversy over the cartoons of the Messenger and his opinion from the position of French President Emmanuel Macron, saying: "Macron has misunderstood his statements, as he talks about freedom absolutely, and he did not support the drawings, nor what they do Charlie Hebdo. "

Sawiris explained that, on the other hand, "Erdogan jumped on the matter as if he was a successor to the Muslims for personal gain," noting that "Erdogan will not last long in power, as the Turkish lira is collapsing because of Erdogan, his policy, and his country's economy is in constant decline."

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