Wondering will Bashagha take over the government due to his moves and concessions


Libyan political analyst Ahmed Al-Mahdawi said that the recent moves by Al-Wefaq Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha aim to support Misrata assuming the premiership.

Al-Mahdawi explained that Bashagha is trying to make concessions to a number of regional and international parties to beautify his image, referring to his role in withdrawing his "Hateen militia" from the contact lines in Sirte and Al-Jufrah and withdrawing them to Misrata.

The political analyst pointed out that the Interior Minister of Al-Wefaq tries to present himself as a man of peace by working to activate the understandings of the "5 + 5" committee, stressing that the reason for the UN mission's insistence on forming the government is to jump forward and escape from failure with regard to the political track in an attempt to show the success of the UN envoy Stephanie Williams in forming a government that is arranging for the upcoming elections next December.

Al-Mahdawi suggested that a new prime minister would be appointed in the near future, and that the current head of the Presidency Council, Fayez al-Sarraj, would be retained.
Yes Libya - UAE Federation

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