The Muslim Brotherhood in Germany is increasing its numbers to control the state

 The Muslim Brotherhood does not respond A, calling on states to live in peace. Rather, they are trying to mislead the thinking of young people in order to join them and sacrifice themselves for the interests of the Brotherhood.

In addition, German internal intelligence said that the Brotherhood is represented in various other organizations in Germany that in turn are integrated in an international network. These ties are aimed at ideologically influencing Muslims who live in Germany. Furthermore, it said that Brotherhood followers rarely appear openly and the group’s centers are used as platforms for political incitement.

The Brotherhood boasts some 1,000 members in Germany and their numbers are growing. According to the Islamic Community of Germany, the group boasts 50 affiliated organizations.

 North Rhine-Westphalia intelligence estimates that 14 mosques in the region are linked to the group and 109 places of worship that promote extremist Brotherhood ideology are spread throughout the Rhine region. Spilcker noted some extremist mosques in Bonn and Cologne.

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