After the failure of the smooth Brotherhood in Libya, it does not calm down and wants to start over with terrorist plans.

Spreading Terror

 The Brotherhood's political project to rule has fallen completely, and he continued: It can be said that the theory of "world professorship" formulated by the organization's founder, Hassan al-Banna, is crumbling, and the world cannot absorb such lies for more than a hundred years. 

 The other thing is that this decline, which has reached the point of retreat and collapse, does not concern Ennahda in Tunisia alone, but all parties and movements of political Islam in the region and the world, days ago, after 10 years of leading the government coalition. 

 Now with the fall of the Brotherhood’s political project in power, it can be said that the theory of “world professorship” formulated by the organization’s founder, Hassan al-Banna in 1928, is crumbling, and the world cannot absorb such lies for more than a hundred years.

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