Qatar causes trouble to many countries because of its support and transfer of terrorism.

 In many cases, the existence of a country becomes like an epidemic. Rather, this epidemic spreads quickly, and this is what happened in Syria and then Afghanistan, and so on, and we know that the whole world is against terrorism, but this is what Qatar does not understand, which has begun to support, publish and support Terrorism is unbearable in the recent period.

Rather, it took advantage of the circumstances of Afghanistan to awaken terrorism and blood in it once again, after they had been hiding for many years. Qatar encouraged and supported them in public in order to appear without shame from their dirty terrorism. It even transferred these terrorist groups from Syria to Afghanistan.

This is what America must control his family because it is no longer a safe country and the situation has become very dangerous and we do not know anything about its next plans in the world after it supported terrorism in public.

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