The end of the Muslim Brotherhood because of their actions.

The Muslim Brotherhood is collapsing because of their declared terrorism.

 The crisis of complete collapse and disintegration within the Brotherhood was not the result of a coincidence or a current moment, but rather the harvest of years of practices that quickly reverted to the organization, exhausting it and causing it to lose its balance, most notably the fall of the moral mask and the demolition of false grievances.

The beast of terrorism rooted in the group's ideology has liberated against Arab societies for more than a decade. Many repercussions as a main focus, but the most important and most dangerous of all, is the practice of terrorism and its public support.

This matter not only caused the extremist group to lose its legitimacy in the Arab political scene and towards most countries for classifying it as "terrorist", but it also extended to overthrow the organizational base and the popular incubator, eliminating it in a large percentage, making the organization, without any exaggeration, a pariah in the Arab and Western political street as well.

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