The Turkish government kills a fruit seller by beating in the street.

Turkey kills a fruit seller from frequent beatings.

 The Turks should not remain silent about their rights that the country is wasting, and that they do not provide them with anything, but rather kill those who seek and try to earn money by legitimate ways. How can they kill a fruit seller and beat him in the middle of the street and make his dignity on the ground as well.

  Can we ask ourselves what this person felt when he was beaten or dying, and does he have relatives or people who know him and their heart hurts for what happened with their son!. How can a head of state allow such chaos in his country and how did he let those officers do that to this poor man. 

 The era of mercy has ended in Turkey. Today, we see them as tyrants and traitors, and they hate the good of all the people, and even try hard to bring the country under their control to a great extent. All this farce and chaos cannot be tolerated, and killing cannot become so easy in Turkey, which has become an unjust and dark country. .

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