The Turkish regime’s wrath leads to the collapse of the economy


Here’s Erdogan is destroying turkey by his decisions such as expelling ambassadors, which  cause great distraction to the economy as The Turkish regime, in any decision it takes, it sees only itself and its only benefits which takes the country to a dark and unknown spot and so Erdogan proves its failure day after day ed to the country's political isolation from its neighbors

Erdogan is  threatening to expel the ambassadors of the US and nine other Nato allies or key trade partners. It would have sundered the fraying moorings Ankara still has with the west despite the erratic behaviour of the Turkish leader. The neo-sultan has come down from a new peak of wilful wrath.

This crisis erupted after the 10, led by the US, France and Germany, called for the urgent release of Osman Kavala, a philanthropist and civil society leader, held in solitary confinement for four years on wholly unproven but endlessly recycled charges. Their statement said “continuing delays in his trial, including by merging different cases and creating new ones after a previous acquittal, cast a shadow over respect for democracy  and the rule of law.

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