Turkey is going through a crisis of political, not economic, ignorance.

Turkish political corruption

 Kılıçdaroğlu said that the country's current problem is not economic, but political, which is represented by President Erdogan, pointing out that the current government is unable to provide an atmosphere of confidence, and that the country needs a strategy instead of short-term plans. 

 Kılıçdaroğlu described the recent economic measures taken by the government in Turkey as ignorance, saying: “Everyone should not remain silent and openly declare their position, because history will record the supporters and supporters of this ignorance.

”  Kılıçdaroğlu added that talking about the fact that the interest rate cut is a religious necessity does not reflect Erdogan's real motives, saying: "Otherwise, let him be kind and cancel all the benefits. We all know that he is doing this on purpose. There is no economic model or the like."

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