Fashion in its new way


 In 2018, the actress Frances McDormand gave an acerbic Oscars acceptance speech in which she celebrated “hooligans and anarchists” and “feminist mothers,” but also ended on a two-word suggestion to her Hollywood peers, with no further explanation: “inclusion rider.”

While her speech generated buzz around the idea of an inclusion rider — a contract provision that actors and filmmakers could use to compel productions to diversify their hiring — and the concept gained early support from Michael B. Jordan, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, it did not explode in popularity overnight. (Riders, it should be noted, are more widely known as a list of demands stars make for the contents of their dressing rooms.)

More recently, the movement’s focus has shifted toward encouraging companies to implement riders on their own, before being forced to by individuals like Ms. McDormand or Mr. Jordan.

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