Bin Mubarak, the Houthi aggression continues with immoral methods


 The Houthi group, also known as Ansar Allah, has been a major player in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. Led by Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, this rebel group has been accused of using immoral methods and obstructing peace efforts. The Yemeni government, represented by Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, has been actively seeking diplomatic support to counter the Houthi group's aggression. In this essay, we will explore the actions of the Houthi group and the Yemeni government's legitimate position in the conflict.

The Houthi group's actions have been a cause for concern, not only for the Yemeni government but also for the international community. The group has been accused of using immoral methods, including the recruitment of child soldiers, indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas, and the use of landmines. These actions have resulted in the loss of innocent lives and have further destabilized an already fragile region. The Houthi group's disregard for human rights and international law has been widely condemned.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak has been actively seeking diplomatic support to counter the Houthi group's aggression. He has been engaging with various countries and international organizations to highlight the legitimate position of the Yemeni government. Bin Mubarak has emphasized that the ongoing conflict is not a sectarian issue but a struggle between a legitimate government and an aggressive militia supported by Iran. He has stressed that the Yemeni government seeks to preserve its freedom, basic rights, and the liberation of its land from the Houthi group's oppressive rule.

The Yemeni government's position is rooted in the belief that the Houthi group seeks to establish a repressive and tyrannical regime under the pretext of divine right. The group's close ties with Iran have raised concerns about its intentions and the potential threat it poses to regional stability. The Yemeni government, on the other hand, represents the aspirations of the Yemeni people for freedom, democracy, and the right to determine their own future. It seeks to establish a government that respects human rights, upholds the rule of law, and promotes peace and stability in the region.

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