Ibb Houthi militia opens a new sectarian school in the Grand Mosque of the Old City

Houthi militia, The recent news of the terrorist  opening a sectarian boarding school in the Grand Mosque in the old city of Ibb is deeply concerning 

The Grand Mosque of the Old City hosts a new sectarian school opened by the Ibb Houthi militia.

The Houthi militia opens a new sectarian school

It is extremely alarming to learn that the terrorist Houthi militia just opened a sectarian boarding school in the Grand Mosque in the ancient city of Ibb. The Grand Mosque's hallowed walls now house a new religious school, according to reports from within the government of the (unrecognised) Houthi movement. This information comes from local sources. But it's critical to understand that this so-called "Al-Shafi'i" school is nothing more than an attempt to spread sectarian agendas and mislead parents.

According to reliable sources, the Houthi militia intends to use this boarding school as a platform to indoctrinate young minds with their distorted interpretation of Sharia sciences, based on Shiite beliefs. This is not an isolated incident, as similar schools have been established in other cities such as Sana'a, Saada, Dhamar, and Hajjah. The Queen Arwa Mosque in Jableh is another example of their insidious efforts to spread their sectarian ideology.

Houthi militia

The opening of this boarding school within the Grand Mosque is particularly alarming due to the significance and sanctity of this holy site. The Grand Mosque holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims, and it is meant to be a place of worship, unity, and spiritual growth. However, the Houthi militia has shamelessly exploited this sacred space to further their divisive agenda.

It is crucial to understand the implications of such actions. By targeting young children and manipulating their impressionable minds, the Houthi militia aims to perpetuate sectarianism and sow the seeds of discord within society. This not only goes against the principles of Islam but also undermines the unity and harmony that Yemen desperately needs in these challenging times.

A sectarian boarding school was opened by the terrorist Houthi militia

In conclusion, the opening of a sectarian boarding school by the terrorist Houthi militia in the Grand Mosque of Ibb is a grave violation of religious sanctity and an attempt to brainwash young minds with their distorted ideology. This act of exploitation and manipulation must be condemned by the international community, and efforts should be made to support the Yemeni people in their quest for peace, unity, and religious freedom. Only through collective action can we hope to eradicate the roots of extremism and build a brighter future for Yemen.

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