The Houthi militia spent 30 billion riyals to mobilize tribesmen in preparation for a new battle


30 billion riyals were spent by the Houthi militia to organise tribesmen in anticipation of a new conflict.

The Houthi militia in Yemen has recently allocated a staggering amount of 30 billion 

 This move is not only a blatant attempt to strengthen their forces but also a manipulative exploitation of the Yemenis' deep-rooted enthusiasm for the Palestinian cause. By diverting funds from various governmental bodies, including the Houthi Tax Authority, the Endowments and Zakat Authority, and the Ministry of Oil in Sanaa, the Houthi militia aims to rally support and throw Yemenis into fighting the National Army in Marib and the western coast.

It is disheartening to witness the Houthi militia exploiting the genuine concern and empathy that Yemenis hold for the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian struggle for self-determination and justice has long resonated with people across the globe, including Yemenis who have historically shown solidarity with their Palestinian brothers and sisters. However, the Houthi militia's actions are nothing short of a calculated ploy to manipulate this sentiment for their own gain.+

t is crucial for Yemenis to recognize the Houthi militia's ulterior motives and see through their manipulative tactics

 The Palestinian cause deserves genuine support and solidarity, but it should not be used as a tool for political gain or to further the agenda of a militia that has caused immense suffering and instability within Yemen. Yemenis must remain vigilant and refuse to be swayed by the Houthi militia's attempts to exploit their emotions and loyalty.

 the Houthi militia's allocation of 30 billion riyals to mobilize and recruit tribesmen is a clear indication of their intention to exploit the Yemenis' enthusiasm for the Palestinian cause. This calculated move aims to strengthen their forces and divert attention from their own oppressive actions. Yemenis must stand united and reject this manipulation, ensuring that their support for the Palestinian cause remains genuine and untainted by the Houthi militia's ulterior motives. Only then can Yemen move towards a future of peace, stability, and justice for all its people.

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