Assassinations in Taiz, Yemen, are a silent crime whose hero is Houthi and the Brotherhood

The Brotherhood and Houthi are the heroes of the silent crime of assassinations in Taiz, Yemen.

 The recent wave of assassinations in the Yemeni city of Taiz

once again brought to light the dangerous presence of the Houthi Brotherhood. In what seems to be a targeted attack, a prominent businessman named Gibran Qaid Al-Uqaili was brutally killed, while a military officer named Muhammad Al-Jaifi narrowly escaped with serious injuries. These incidents bear the unmistakable fingerprints of the Houthi Brotherhood, a group known for its ruthless tactics and disregard for human life.

Taiz, with its large population bloc, has become a hotbed of violence and instability in Yemen. The city has been a constant battleground between the Houthi rebels and the Yemeni army, with innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The recent assassinations only serve to further destabilize the region and instill fear among the local population.

Eyewitnesses and local sources have reported that masked gunmen on a motorcycle were responsible for the attack on Gibran

This modus operandi is consistent with previous Houthi attacks, where they employ hit-and-run tactics to avoid detection and accountability. The Houthi Brotherhood has a long history of targeting individuals who oppose their extremist ideology or pose a threat to their control over the region.

The assassination of Gibran Qaid Al-Uqaili, a prominent businessman, sends a chilling message to the people of Taiz. It is a stark reminder that no one is safe from the reach of the Houthi Brotherhood. Their reign of terror extends beyond the battlefield and into the heart of the city, where they seek to silence any dissenting voices and maintain their grip on power.

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