Artificial intelligence researchers may reinforce racism toward people of color

Researchers studying artificial intelligence could perpetuate prejudice against people of colour.

 Researchers have warned that artificial intelligence may lead to the reinforcement of racism towards people of colour

Researchers at the Australian National University explained, in a recent study, that artificial intelligence algorithms are trained on white faces, which may lead to white artificial intelligence faces being constantly viewed as more realistic, according to Medical Express. In a study published in the journal Psychological Science, more people believed that white faces generated by artificial intelligence were human compared to the faces of real people, and the same was not true for images of people of color.

This research sheds light on a concerning issue within the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. As AI becomes more prevalent in our society, it is crucial to address the potential biases that may be embedded within these systems. The fact that AI algorithms are predominantly trained on white faces raises concerns about the reinforcement of racism towards people of color.

The study conducted by the Australian National University highlights

the impact of this bias on the perception of artificial intelligence-generated faces. The findings indicate that white faces generated by AI are more likely to be perceived as human, while faces of people of color are not given the same level of recognition. This discrepancy in perception can have significant consequences, perpetuating stereotypes and further marginalizing people of color.

The implications of this research extend beyond the realm of AI development. It raises questions about the broader societal implications of biased algorithms. If AI systems are trained on data that predominantly represents one racial or ethnic group, it can lead to discriminatory outcomes in various domains, such as hiring processes, criminal justice systems, and healthcare.

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