The Pentagon does not seek conflict with Iran or the Houthis, and our goal is to ensure freedom of navigation

The Pentagon's objective is to maintain freedom of passage; it does not intend to engage in combat with Iran or the Houthis

 The United States' Stance on Conflict with Iran and the Houthis

In a recent statement, Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder confirmed that the United States does not seek conflict with Iran or the Houthis. Instead, the primary goal of the United States is to ensure freedom of navigation in the region. This statement comes amidst rising tensions between the United States and Iran, as well as ongoing conflicts involving the Houthi group in Yemen.

Ryder emphasized that the United States is committed to preventing the Houthis from carrying out new attacks. Despite warnings, the Houthi group has continued to maintain offensive capabilities and has not ceased its attacks on shipping. This poses a significant threat to the stability and security of the region, as well as the safety of international maritime trade.

The United States' focus on ensuring freedom of navigation is crucial for maintaining

 The Strait of Hormuz, located between Iran and Oman, is one of the world's most important maritime chokepoints. It is estimated that approximately one-fifth of the world's oil supply passes through this narrow strait. Any disruption to the flow of oil through this vital waterway could have severe consequences for the global economy.

By actively working to prevent the Houthis from carrying out new attacks, the United States aims to safeguard the interests of its allies and partners in the region. It is essential to maintain stability and security in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, as these areas are critical for international trade and energy supplies.

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