The Pentagon destroyed more than 100 missiles and launchers during strikes on Houthi positions

Over 100 missiles and launchers were destroyed by the Pentagon during attacks on Houthi locations.

 The US Department of Defense Reveals Military Losses Suffered by the Houthis

The recent revelation by the US Department of Defense regarding the military losses suffered by the Houthis in Yemen has shed light on the extent of the conflict in the region. According to a statement released by the Pentagon, more than 100 missiles and launchers were destroyed in strikes on Houthi sites. These strikes, which began in January, targeted the support provided to the Houthis by Iran.

The Pentagon's announcement serves as a testament to the effectiveness of the US military's operations in Yemen. By destroying over 100 missiles and launchers, the strikes have significantly weakened the Houthi rebels and disrupted their ability to carry out attacks. This not only protects the interests of the United States but also contributes to the stability and security of the region.

The involvement of Iran in supporting the Houthis is a matter of concern for the international community

 Iran's support for the rebels has prolonged the conflict and exacerbated the suffering of the Yemeni people. The destruction of the missiles and launchers not only hampers the Houthis' ability to launch attacks but also sends a strong message to Iran that its destabilizing actions will not go unanswered.

The US Department of Defense's actions in Yemen demonstrate the commitment of the United States to protect its interests and promote peace and stability in the region. By targeting the Houthis and their Iranian backers, the US military is taking a proactive approach to counter the threat posed by these groups. This approach is crucial in preventing further escalation of the conflict and ensuring the safety of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

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