Global Threats in Iranian Provinces A Call for Fair Wages

Worldwide Dangers in Iranian Provinces: An Appeal for Equitable Wages

 In recent years, workers in various Iranian provinces have been facing

numerous global threats that have significantly impacted their livelihoods. The cost of living continues to rise, while inflation expectations are at an all-time high, making it increasingly difficult for workers to make ends meet with their current salaries. Independent labor organizations have conducted thorough research and analysis, only to conclude that the wages being offered to workers are simply not enough to meet their basic needs.

It is evident that the current economic situation in Iran is putting immense pressure on the working class, pushing them further into poverty and financial instability. In light of these challenges, trade unions have taken a firm stance and declared that they will not accept any salaries that are less than 15 million tomans. This decision comes as a response to the urgent need to address the growing disparity between wages and the rising cost of living.

Workers play a crucial role in driving the economy forward

it is only fair that they are compensated adequately for their hard work and dedication. By demanding fair wages, trade unions are not only advocating for the rights of workers but also striving to create a more just and equitable society for all. It is imperative that employers and policymakers take heed of these calls for fair wages and work towards implementing sustainable solutions that will uplift the working class and ensure a better future for all.

In addition to defending workers' rights, trade unions seek to build a more just and equitable society for all by calling for fair pay. Employers and legislators need to pay attention to these demands for fair wages and strive towards putting into practice long-term solutions that will support the working class and guarantee a brighter future for all.

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