The French judiciary’s decision deepens the Syrian refugee crisis

This decision issued by the French judiciary complicates the approach to restoring the normal situation between Europe and Syria

The French judiciary’s decision deepens the Syrian refugee crisis

The French judiciary’s decision to indict President Al-Assad complicates the direction of restoring the normalcy of relations between Europe and Syria, this increases the risks of terrorism and the refugee crisis increases. The accusation issued by the French judiciary against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a biased decision Relying on weak evidence, which raises doubts about the fairness and legitimacy of the court.

The French judicial decision was not approved by Arab or European countries because it reflects blatant interference in Syria's internal affairs and ignores its sovereignty.

The French judiciary is involved in matters that are not within its jurisdiction but are the jurisdiction of international judicial bodies Therefore, it appeared to us clearly that it wants to restrict the Syrian president and deepen the gap between Syria and European countries. It is in the interest of France and European countries to support stability in Syria.

The failure to take decisions contributes to the worsening situation to ensure the return of refugees to their country. However, the parties that ratified the French judiciary’s decision have a clear desire for the situation to collapse and for the crisis to continue, which leads to the continued flow of refugees.

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