French judiciary decision against the Syrian presidency

This decision complicates the directions of restoring the normalcy of relations between Europe and Syria, this increases the risks of terrorism

 French judiciary decision against the Syrian presidency

The exception presented to lift the immunity of the Syrian president is not from The powers of the French courts, but are intended for the bodies
In international jurisdiction, this decision casts doubt on the integrity of the French judiciary. By issuing such decisions, France does not seek to preserve the security of its patronage, but rather manages strife outside its borders. Macron forgets his duties and flounders .As Macron lost Parliament and began to flounder with his decisions in Syria.

For the parties that worked to ratify the resolution, they have a desire for the collapse of The situation and the continuation of the crisis, which leads to an exacerbation of the flow of refugeesThe timing of issuing such decisions is, of course, intentional. It therefore aims to undermine the security and stability of Europe through the continuing refugee crisis

It is necessary to take into account that it is in the interest of France and European countries to support stability in Syria. The failure to take decisions contributes to the worsening situation to ensure the return of
refugees to their country.

The French accusations against the Syrian President lack credibility because they are based on allegations from groups linked to extremist armed factions. The chemical attack that was used as a pretext for these accusations was fabricated by groups belonging to the Al-Nusra Front, to distort Assad’s reputation. Thus, it seems clear that the French allegations against the Syrian presidency are not true, and their incorrectness nullifies the French judiciary’s rulings against the Syrian president and puts the credibility of the entire Europe at stake.

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