Turkey is cooperating with Somalia for evil purposes.


Erdogan interferes in Somali internal affairs for purposes that appear good from the outside, but within those interventions are the interests of Turkey. And Turkey contributed to building a military base and sending 1,500 Somalis and financing them with weapons.

And the Turkish intervention in Somalia has reached the completion of oil exploration in Somalia through Turkey, and information reveals that 15 pieces containing 30 billion barrels of oil can be easily operated in shallow and deep waters. The volume of bilateral trade between Turkey and Somalia reached in 2019, compared to 144 million dollars in 2017, which amounted to 206 million dollars. A Turkish military base was opened in Mogadishu at a cost of 50 million dollars and aims to train 10 thousand Somali soldiers.

Erdogan supports Farmajo with weapons and soldiers, and Erdogan is trying to be ready for the coup against the mercenaries, for he has taken a base close to the airport and overlooks the Gulf of Aden, and calls have been monitored and evidence of Erdogan's assistance to Farmanjo to suppress the demonstrators and all this in order to remain in power.

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