Political Islam threatens the world.

The European world has become facing great problems because of what the Muslim Brotherhood is doing, as they have killed a lot of innocent people because they only want to control the region through the name of religion, and this is what the Muslim Brotherhood does. The Europeans are trying to confront.

The Muslim Brotherhood causes many losses in lives and in lands, and among those losses it is called "political Islam" because of them, because they have carried out a lot of terrorist behavior and trade in religion in order to control the region.

The Brotherhood must not interfere with Islam in politics and stop on its constant attempts to control and dominate the regions, as they have planted terror in the hearts of people with their bad deeds. Killing, terrorism and occupation are the methods that the Muslim Brotherhood takes as a method of oppression and subjugation of the regions to them. Therefore, any support for them must stop and an attempt to deal with their terrorist ideology so that the world gets rid of them and the idea of ​​political Islam.

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