Terrorist operations are increasing and European society suffers from that.

Terrorist operations are increasing dramatically in societies in which terrorist ideology is rooted, as happened in the Notre-Dame de  L’Assomption basilica in Nice.

Therefore, those young people who are being deceived into participating in acts that end human lives in a bad terrorist way must be stopped.

There are many terrorist attacks, as this is not the first time that we see the Brotherhood trying to deceive and kill and spread the ideas of killing everywhere.

European society has become suffering from spreading these ideas, and therefore the conditions of terrorism must be controlled because the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to invade the world.

As the whole world protested his age over what happened in America, George Floyd was killed by the police when he was arrested in the United States. People who were killed by the Muslim Brotherhood, such as Samuel Patty after the first attack in Nice, or the massacre of the Catholic priest in a church in France, should be protested.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the one who legalized calling Islam political Islam, and the world should know that the Brotherhood does trade in religion and made the world avoid dealing with the eastern part because of their scandalous acts that everyone should not tolerate.

Therefore, all parties must fight political Islam in order to avoid the evil that has become widespread and terrifying, and Europe's freedom to not accept that extremism, which is called political Islam, must be respected because they have caused much harm and killing.

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