The suppression of freedom in Turkey through violence has become Erdogan's permanent support.

 Erdogan is one of the ugliest rulers who have passed the world. They have deprived the people of the right to freedom and express their opinion, as if he deprived them of life and imprisoned them, and they are originally silent in order to preserve their lives because no one knows what Erdogan might do if someone breaks his silence as Anis tried. Kanter.

It appeared that Turkish intelligence agents were on their way to capture me and send me back to Turkey. Three hours later, we were on an emergency flight to Singapore, and then to Romania. Turkey missed its chance to arrest me but canceled my passport and forced me to remain stranded in Romania.

But I was lucky, unlike Orhan Inandi, a Turkish educator in Kyrgyzstan who was kidnapped by Turkish agents last month and is believed to be kept in the Turkish Embassy in the country’s capital. Despite international pleas, Inandi’s fate is still a mystery.

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