Turkey treats refugees ruthlessly and mercilessly in an inhumane manner

 Many refugees fleeing injustice in their country traveled to Turkey until they found more injustice and more inhumane treatment, as they arrived a group of hungry and exhausted teenage boys and young men in the cold shade of a bridge, they collapse.

Sharzad, a 13-year-old boy, said his trip took three months because he was tossed multiple times between Turkey and Iran. Sitting on the train tracks in his skinny jeans and brown polo shirt, he said that every time he and his friend reached the border.

Turkish gendarmes would abuse them. They stripped them of their clothes and took their shoe laces, he said. One time, they ordered them to lie down “They were walking on us. This side and that side, just walking. They were walking on our bodies,” he said. “I was crying to police, ‘Leave me!’ They were hitting the gun on my head, saying, ‘Shut up.’ ” Sitting behind him, his friend said it happened to him, too.

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