Iran makes the dead are responsible for the country.

Iran makes the dead are responsible in the country.

  Two years after Iran’s security forces violently crushed mass protests that erupted across the country, leaving hundreds of civilians killed, two officials who oversaw that repression and have committed egregious rights violations for decades—President Ebrahim Raisi and Judiciary Chief Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i—have risen to top positions of power in Iran.

“Two years ago, Iranian men and women of all ages and classes risked their lives by gathering in the streets of their country to demand change and accountability,” said Executive Director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) Hadi Ghaemi.

“In response, the Iranian government slaughtered them with the comfort that the international community would fall silent and soon turn its attention elsewhere,” Ghaemi added.

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