The Muslim Brotherhood is going through the biggest disintegration in history.

Many numbers left the Brotherhood organization and froze their membership within it

The international organization of the Brotherhood is divided and launching an alternative platform for the official website, which is under the control of Mahmoud Hussein, and is preparing to launch other platforms with the same names as those of the Istanbul Front, and with the increasing collapse within the Brotherhood, the disintegration is now the largest in the history of the group after the splits of the forties. 

 She revealed the organization’s tendency to officially split into two fronts, and each front has an official website and media platforms. The first is the “Mahmoud Hussein” front and with him the leaders of the General Shura Council, based in Istanbul, Turkey, and the second is the “Ibrahim Munir” front and with him the members of the international organization and is based in the British capital, London its headquarters.

The Istanbul Front announced the day before yesterday evening that the Brotherhood is represented by the General Shura Council, which takes measures that complement the decisions regarding the vacancy of the position of the deputy guide and his representative, stressing that it is not concerned with any decisions or procedures to the contrary.

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