Corruption in Iran is still widespread.

Iran must be boycotted because it is committing massacres of human beings.

 During five days of public hearings from November 10-14, 2021, 33 witnesses, including many inside Iran, as well as experts and researchers abroad, publicly testified, and 145 testimonies have been recorded. These testimonies reconstruct the November 2019 massacre, which was largely obscured by the Iranian government’s shut down of the internet in Iran as it sought to prevent details of these crimes from emerging.

“The Aban Tribunal has given public voice to scores of victims and witnesses who undertook grave risks to testify on Iran’s massacre of hundreds of protesters in November 2019, in their continuing search for justice two years after these atrocities,” said CHRI executive director Hadi Ghaemi.

“There is no possibility of redress or legal action in Iran against the perpetrators because the very same officials who oversaw this massacre have solidified their grip on all arms of the state,” Ghaemi continued.

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