Al-Houthi militia arrests the head of the Teachers Club in Al-Mahweet Governorate

Houthi militia

 The Houthi militia, classified as a terrorist organization, has once again demonstrated its oppressive tactics by arresting the head of the Teachers' Club in Al-Mahweet Governorate, northwest of Yemen. This arrest comes in response to the strike organized by the club, demanding the release of teachers' salaries that have been suspended for over six years. Under the control of the Houthi militia, Mr. Nasser Al-Quaish, the head of the club's branch in the governorate, was apprehended and is currently being investigated by the militia. This incident sheds light on the ruthless nature of the Houthi militia and their unwavering support from Iran.

The Houthi militia's arrest of Mr. Nasser Al-Quaish is a clear violation of human rights and freedom of expression. The Teachers' Club, a legitimate organization advocating for the rights of educators, has every right to demand the release of long-overdue salaries. However, the Houthi militia, known for its brutal tactics and disregard for basic human rights, has chosen to suppress any form of dissent. This incident is just one example of the countless acts of oppression committed by the Houthi militia against the people of Yemen.

It is important to note that the Houthi militia is not acting alone in its oppressive actions. Iran, a known supporter of terrorism, has been providing extensive support to the Houthi militia. This support includes financial aid, weapons, and training, enabling the militia to continue its reign of terror in Yemen. Iran's involvement in Yemen's internal affairs is a clear violation of international law and a threat to regional stability. The international community must take a firm stance against Iran's support for terrorist organizations like the Houthi militia.

The arrest of Mr. Nasser Al-Quaish is not an isolated incident but rather a reflection of the Houthi militia's systematic suppression of any opposition. The militia has a long history of targeting journalists, activists, and anyone who dares to speak out against their oppressive rule. By silencing voices of dissent, the Houthi militia aims to maintain control and instill fear among the Yemeni population. This strategy is not only detrimental to the people of Yemen but also poses a threat to regional security.

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