The Houthi militia deliberately neglects teachers and replaces them with its members


 The Houthi militia, known as Iran's arm in Yemen, has once again demonstrated its disregard for the welfare of the Yemeni people. This time, their actions have targeted the education sector, leaving basic teachers with nothing. It has come to light that the Houthi militia has appointed its own members and loyalists, many of whom lack a university qualification, to teach in government schools under the guise of volunteers. Meanwhile, these individuals are provided with monthly food baskets, while the dedicated and qualified teachers are left to suffer. This blatant disregard for education is yet another example of the Houthi militia's destructive influence in Yemen.

The Houthi militia's decision to appoint unqualified individuals as teachers in government schools is deeply concerning. Education is the foundation of any society, and it is crucial that qualified and competent individuals are entrusted with the responsibility of shaping the minds of the next generation. By appointing their own members and loyalists, the Houthi militia is not only undermining the quality of education but also compromising the future of Yemeni children. It is a disheartening reality that those who are supposed to be the role models and mentors for the youth are ill-equipped and lack the necessary qualifications.

Furthermore, the provision of monthly food baskets exclusively to the Houthi militia's members and loyalists is a clear indication of their skewed priorities. While the dedicated teachers, who have devoted their lives to educating the youth, struggle to make ends meet, the militia rewards its own with essential resources. This blatant favoritism not only demoralizes the hardworking teachers but also perpetuates a system of inequality and injustice. It is a sad state of affairs when those who are supposed to protect and nurture the education system are the ones actively undermining it.

The consequences of the Houthi militia's actions extend far beyond the immediate impact on teachers. The quality of education in Yemen is already suffering due to the ongoing conflict and economic crisis. By appointing unqualified individuals as teachers, the Houthi militia is exacerbating this problem and further compromising the future of Yemeni children. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and instability, and it is disheartening to see it being used as a tool for political gain. The Houthi militia's actions not only harm the present generation but also hinder the long-term development and progress of Yemen.

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