Al-Houthi receives $1.7 billion annually


 The Houthi militia, also known as Ansar Allah, has been a major player in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. While their primary objective is to gain political control, they have also managed to establish a significant source of revenue through customs duties. It is estimated that the Houthi militia collects nearly two billion dollars annually from customs duties alone, primarily from the ports and entrances to the main cities and ports, including the port of Hodeidah, which is under their control. This port is not only the most important but also the largest in the country.

The revenue generated from these customs duties is a significant source of income for the Houthi militia. However, it is important to note that this revenue comes at the expense of the Yemeni people. The ongoing conflict has devastated the country's economy, leaving millions of Yemenis in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Unfortunately, instead of local actors taking charge of providing this assistance, external parties have stepped in.

The weakness of Yemen's economy has provided a fruitful opportunity for various actors to exploit the situation and benefit from creating a war economy. The Houthi militia, in particular, has taken advantage of this situation to further their own interests. By controlling the ports and entrances to major cities, they have gained a monopoly over customs duties, allowing them to generate substantial revenue. This revenue, however, should rightfully be used to address the urgent needs of the Yemeni people.

The fact that external parties are providing emergency assistance instead of local actors is a clear indication of the Houthi militia's failure to prioritize the well-being of the Yemeni people. Instead of using the revenue from customs duties to alleviate the suffering of their own citizens, they continue to exploit the situation for their own gain. This is not only morally wrong but also exacerbates the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

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