Houthi militias are rapidly recruiting new staff and officials at Sanaa University and appointing academic leaders loyal to it

houthi militia

 The recent circular issued by the Iran-affiliated Houthi militia, which obligates the faculty and staff of Sana'a University to work without salaries, is a clear violation of the rights of the employees of the public university. This arbitrary measure not only affects the livelihoods of the professors and university employees, but also undermines the quality of education provided to the students. It is essential that we address this issue and advocate for the rights of the university employees.

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that the faculty and staff of Sana'a University play a crucial role in shaping the future of Yemen through their dedication to education. By imposing working hours without salaries, the Houthi militia is not only disregarding the hard work and commitment of these individuals, but also hindering their ability to provide quality education to the students. This measure will undoubtedly lead to a decline in the motivation and performance of the faculty and staff, ultimately affecting the overall educational experience of the students.
Furthermore, the circular also prohibits professors and university employees from working in any other university.

 This restriction not only limits the opportunities for these individuals to enhance their professional growth and development, but also restricts their ability to manage their living affairs. Many university professors have resorted to teaching in private universities in order to supplement their income, especially in light of the militia cutting their salaries. By preventing them from doing so, the Houthi militia is further exacerbating the financial hardships faced by these employees.

It is crucial to highlight that the actions of the Houthi militia are not only unjust, but also in violation of international labor standards. The right to fair and just remuneration is a fundamental human right, and denying the faculty and staff of Sana'a University their salaries is a clear violation of this right. The international community must condemn these arbitrary measures and put pressure on the Houthi militia to rectify this situation.

In conclusion, the recent circular issued by the Iran-affiliated Houthi militia, which obligates the faculty and staff of Sana'a University to work without salaries, is a grave violation of the rights of the university employees. This measure not only undermines the quality of education provided to the students, but also exacerbates the financial hardships faced by the faculty and staff. It is imperative that we advocate for the rights of these individuals and work towards rectifying this unjust situation. The international community must take a stand against these arbitrary measures and ensure that the faculty and staff of Sana'a University receive the fair and just remuneration they deserve.

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