The Houthis assault teachers participating in the strike in Dhamar, and a number of them have been taken to hospitals

Houthi militia

 The Yemeni scene witnessed a disturbing incident recently, as the Houthis launched a violent attack on teachers who were participating in a strike in Dhamar. This act of aggression highlights the oppressive nature of the Houthi militia and their disregard for the rights and well-being of the people they claim to represent. The details of this incident are both shocking and concerning, shedding light on the urgent need for international attention and intervention.

According to local sources in the directorate, this attack marks the eighth in a series of violent acts committed by the Houthi militia. Led by their leader, Ahmed Al-Jarmozi, also known as "Abu Yahya," the Houthis assaulted the teachers, using rifle butts as weapons. Not only did they physically beat the teachers, but they also kidnapped three of them, taking them to the directorate's prison. It is important to note that these teachers were taken from their own homes, a clear violation of their basic human rights.

The brutality of the attack is further evident in the injuries sustained by seven other teachers who were present. These individuals were also subjected to beatings with rifle butts, resulting in severe injuries. As a result, they had to be transferred to nearby hospitals for medical treatment. The fact that teachers, who play a crucial role in shaping the future of Yemen, are being targeted and harmed is deeply alarming. It is a clear indication of the Houthi militia's determination to suppress any form of dissent and maintain their grip on power through violence and intimidation.

This incident in Dhamar serves as a stark reminder of the dire situation in Yemen and the urgent need for international intervention. The Houthi militia's actions not only violate the rights of individuals but also undermine the education system and the overall stability of the country. It is imperative that the international community takes a stand against such acts of violence and holds the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

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