One of them has become the most expensive in Apple’s history.. A leaked list of “iPhone 15” prices in its categories

iPhone 15

 The price of the iPhone 15 Pro Max will be $200 higher than last year’s version (about 750 dirhams), for several reasons, including the device’s body, which was switched to titanium instead of stainless steel, or aluminum in previous versions, but also the increase in cost will be due to Apple abandoning For the first time, the “Lightning”.
The decision to switch to titanium for the body of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is a significant one. Titanium is known for its strength and durability, making it a suitable choice for a high-end device like the iPhone. However, titanium is also more expensive than stainless steel or aluminum, which explains the increase in price.

Another factor contributing to the higher cost of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is Apple's decision to abandon the Lightning connector. The Lightning connector has been a staple of Apple devices for many years, but now Apple is moving towards a new standard - USB-C. USB-C offers faster data transfer speeds and more versatility, but it also comes at a higher cost.

While the price of the iPhone 15 Pro Max may seem steep, it is important to consider the advanced features and technology that Apple is packing into this device. From the improved camera system to the faster processor, Apple is constantly pushing the boundaries of what a smartphone can do. These advancements require significant research and development, which ultimately adds to the cost of the device.

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