Organizations expose the Houthi ban on websites and internet censorship

Organisations reveal internet control and the Houthi website ban.

 The ongoing bans and censorship of the Internet in Yemen have sparked outrage and concern among 42 international 

Yemeni organizations dedicated to freedom of opinion and expression and human rights. These organizations have united to condemn these disturbing violations of digital freedoms, the right to access information, and the right to demonstrate and protest. Urgent measures must be taken to put an end to these oppressive practices.

The Yemeni General Telecommunications Corporation, currently controlled by the Houthi group, has been at the forefront of implementing bans and censorship on the Internet. This is just one example in a long and continuous record of blocking and restricting access to online platforms in Yemen. Since the beginning of the conflict in 2015 between the Houthi forces and other factions, the intensity of these restrictions has only increased.

The Internet is a vital tool for communication, information sharing

 the exercise of freedom of expression. By imposing bans and censorship, the Yemeni authorities are not only violating the fundamental rights of their citizens but also hindering the development and progress of the nation. Access to the Internet is crucial for education, economic growth, and the promotion of democracy.

The right to access information is a fundamental human right, recognized by international conventions and treaties. By denying this right, the Yemeni authorities are suppressing the voices of their citizens and preventing them from participating in the global digital community. This not only isolates Yemen from the rest of the world but also hampers the ability of Yemenis to express their opinions, share their stories, and seek justice for human rights violations.

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