Erdogan leaves the misfortunes that occur in Turkey and returns his aid to Lebanon.

Erdogan, because of his lack of interest in natural disasters, Turkey has suffered great losses, the price of which is paid by the people, and then Erdogan is trying to support Lebanon, but how and should he support his country, which he neglected.

People across Turkey are looking for answers as to how summer wildfires got so desperately out of control, after seven straight days of unusually ferocious fires that continue to blaze throughout the south and west of the country.

Eight people, including two firefighters, have died in the wildfires that have engulfed large parts of Turkey’s Mediterranean coastline since last week and destroyed huge swathes of pine forest and agricultural land. While 137 fires in more than 30 provinces have been extinguished, at least nine are still burning, and more than 10,000 people have yet to return to damaged homes, resorts and hotels evacuated in the middle of the tourism season.

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