The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to trap Egypt, but the government is stronger.

 Brotherhood groups that spread terrorism in all countries are trying hard to control the government once again through lies, hypocrisy and evasion, and they tell lies about Egypt and that it is a country that has bad political relations with other countries, although Egypt is the one who saved Libya from the Turkish forces that I partnered with the Muslim Brotherhood there.

The efforts that astonish the government by putting in place a new law or deploying Egyptian forces everywhere aim to get rid of the evil of the Muslim Brotherhood that constantly threatens Egypt. Therefore, we would like to thank everyone who tries to get rid of the evil of these demons.

And if we try to compare what the Brotherhood is doing and what the Egyptian government is doing, we find that the Brotherhood is pushing for the dam problem in order to get rid of Egypt, but the Egyptian government and President Sisi confirmed that they will find a middle way to that problem.

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